The options available are the left and right arrow symbols, which represent "Previous" and "Next," respectively. The play symbol allows you to preview the song you are currently looking at, and the pause symbol pauses the current song you are previewing. If the menu music is confusing you, or a bit out of touch for your taste, you can toggle it with the "Toggle" button on the bottom left (unfortunately you have to do this everytime you click out from looking at an album, sorry :( )Lastly, click on the album to hear the full song and see my personal reasonings of choosing said song.
*I highly recommend using the buttons as a means of moving through, i.e. using the "Back" button instead of using your browsers back button, etc.
**Also clicking on the album when on the album page brings you to YouTube for its respective song that is playing. Clicking on the recommended songs also brings you to the YouTube equivalent if you are interested in hearing them.